Research & Publication

Darling, V. June 2023. Institutional Repository: Library Assessment. ALA Annual 2023. Library Research Round Table Session (Talk).

Abstract: In May 2023, SwRI Library conducted an assessment to gauge staff interest in an institutional repository for easier access to institute-related information. The assessment received 121 responses over a three-week period, representing a diverse range of staff from all divisions, roles, and years of service at SwRI. The survey results revealed that the majority of staff (81.9%) expressed their willingness to submit materials to a repository if one were available. Although the types of materials varied across divisions, common preferences included technical papers, IR&D reports, and symposia and conference proceedings. Among the concerns raised by staff, access and confidentiality were the most frequently mentioned. The assessment identified eight major themes that provide a solid foundation for considering repository platforms, implementation strategies, and next steps. Additionally, general feedback from respondents highlighted five areas where the Library could focus on improving resources and services.

Mason, M. & Darling, V. July 2021. Putting the Horse before Descartes: Creating Virtual Rare Book Exhibits. Cross Timbers Library Collaborative 2021 Conference: To Bend is Better Than to Break. (Talk).

Abstract: The Thomas Baker Slick Memorial Library with Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas, is home to a unique collection of special and rare works from the 16th to the 20th century. The collection was used for popular library programming with staff researchers making connections from foundational science to modern innovations taking place right in their labs. When the stay-at-home orders hit, the idea to create a virtual Rare Book exhibit was no longer just a nicety but a priority. We’ll review the process to transition our in-person exhibits to an on-line exhibit and discuss how this positions us for even more exciting collaborations.

Weatherford, D.R., Myers, M., Darling, V., Ramos, A., Crane, A., Anderson, M., Hout, M., & White, B. November 2020 (Submitted). Measuring Face Value: Validating a Diverse Image Database for Facial Research. Psychonomics Society 2020. (Talk).

Abstract: Many of the currently available facial image sets lack sufficient between-person variability (i.e., differences between images of different people such as gender and skin tone) and within-person variability (i.e., differences between images of the same person such as age and context). This lack of real-world diversity has likely hindered the applicability of many findings in the facial recognition/identification literature, especially in geographic regions with a multicultural demography. Therefore, we created a facial database with over 300 identity sets including ambient images, ID photos, and high-quality images and videos with different lighting, poses, and facial expressions. We collected similarity data from human participants and computer algorithms to construct a multi-dimensional face space that will allow researchers and practitioners to create instruments like the Cambridge Face Memory Test and Glasgow Face Matching Test. We hope the addition of this tool will encourage other face researchers to consider and incorporate more ecologically valid stimuli into their research designs.

Weatherford, D., Myers, M., Darling, V., Hout, M. C., & White, B. April 2020 (Canceled). Faces in Multidimensional Scaling. Southwestern Psychological Association Annual Convention. (Talk).

Abstract: Although many face databases are widely available for use in facial recognition research, current options contain limited facial variability (e.g., lighting, pose, expression, image quality, time-lapse between photos/videos) and facial diversity (e.g., gender, skin tone, age). We present an alternative that has undergone multidimensional scaling to more accurately represent the types of internal and external validity needed for more representative facial stimuli.

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